Prague is one of our very favorite cities. We love traveling to Europe, and a lot of people had told us to give Prague a try. To be honest, we thought, “No big deal. It’s just another big European city. We’ve been to Paris, Rome, London and many more.”
But three years ago, we decided to take everyone’s advice and visit Prague. We fell in love with it (so much so that we’ve gone three years in a row now).
1. The food! Prague was under communist rule until the late 1980’s. All restaurants were government owned and had the same bland, boring food. Prague is coming into its own as a great foodie town. And it’s inexpensive. A huge meal including drinks may run about $25 for two people.
2. The architecture. Much of it stayed intact throughout the wars. There are beautiful things to see everywhere, including the Prague castle complex.
3. The markets. We adore markets! Prague’s are particularly good; especially the flea markets. Why? Because you can find super cool treasures at phenomenal prices. I bought a sterling silver antique cigarette case to hold business cards for about $5.
4. The prices. Prague is super cheap to visit. We have stayed in 2-bedroom Airbnb apartments there for about $70 per night…for the entire apartment. We go to the grocery store to load up on staples (milk, juice, pastries, etc.) and walk out with several bags having spent about $9.
5. The people. The Czech people are fantastic. They are welcoming and love to share their culture with you.
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